
Applications to graduate schemes have been invariably unsuccessful.

I think it is time for a change of tact.

I’ve been mulling over changes to the CV since the Dannii episode and have received droves of advice over the course of this process – keep the CV to two pages, don’t fucking swear, be less personal and forthright and so on.  But the most monumental of advice came from Louise, who I exchanged emails with back in July.  In the following email, where Louise refers to the mime email, I do not know what she is talking about.

The new CV can be found on ‘the CV’ tab above.

I’ll be reporting back next week to let you know if it fares any better with the prospective employers.


  1. #1 by Ant Innit on August 25, 2011 - 5:53 pm

    what has happened to the old CV? I liked that one a lot. Maybe you should show a sequence of CVs and how they have changed over time. Maybe you could even show how many responses you get per CV. No wait – what proportion of responses you get, as unless you send them to exactly the same number you can’t compare them. Maybe I’m getting carried away

  2. #2 by Whoever on September 15, 2011 - 8:39 pm

    honestly I’m surprised no one has picked up your site and made a sitcom/comedy or possibly reality show out of this. I know it may sound harsh, because for you this might not be a joke but reality, but look on the bright side, you might be hired as a screen writer if that does happen…. ever think about submitting the site to a producer?

  1. Eleven « Curriculum Vitae

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