Raise your glasses to Sonia Elks!

For being such a good sport:

It’s been a while now and nothing, so I’m posting this picture from Elks’ 2011 work Designer makes Paw-some Hats for Catsin tribute to Sonia’s good humour.

Here’s to you, Sonia.


p.s. this blog has been nominated for the Manchester Blog Awards and if you like you can vote for it here.  It’s in the ‘best writing on a blog category’.

p.p.s. I will one day tell you what London was like.

  1. #1 by Andy on September 28, 2011 - 1:07 pm

    Voted good sir! Keep us updated when you can and thanks for the entertaining times. 🙂

  2. #2 by Hal on September 28, 2011 - 4:27 pm

    Also voted 🙂 If i should win the lottery anytime soon i will make sure you get paid and rewarding work…as my entertainment monkey!

  3. #3 by carol on October 1, 2011 - 10:20 am

    I’ve voted .. your blog has entertained me royally – Carol x

  4. #4 by Jess on October 4, 2011 - 1:06 pm

    I have voted. I would like you to win. Earlier at work I had to go into the toilet to laugh because I found your blog so funny – my outburst would not have been appropriate in my office.

    One of the other blog entrants in the competition has made a fancy button on his page to vote for him with, have you thought of doing something similar?

    • #5 by curriculum vitiate on October 4, 2011 - 2:00 pm

      Thanks Jess! Outbursts are rarely appreciated in the office are they? Taking your real life self to work is the act of a madperson.

      I have seen the button but my skill with wordpress extends only to text and pictures and I don’t know how to make a fancy button.

      Do you know how to make a fancy button?

  5. #6 by M on October 12, 2011 - 8:19 am

    I voted and I hope you win! You’re (frightningly, joyfully and sardonically 😉 ) an inspiriation to the unemployed and those of us actively-pestering companies for some kind of validation for all the endless hours wasted trying to impress them. Keep up the fantastic ‘work’ and good luck!

  6. #8 by Hal on October 26, 2011 - 7:35 am

    Congratulations on your Joint Win!

    Looks like you may have found work or something else to tide you over between each handout. Eitherway good luck to you in the future!

  7. #9 by Jess on October 26, 2011 - 8:53 am

    Only just saw this…too late to make a fancy button…
    Im pretty devastated that there has not been a blog in so long!

  8. #10 by Dr J on December 3, 2011 - 2:40 pm

    Just in case you hadn’t heard, your brilliant CV reached the dizzying honour of being discussed on last night’s Have I Got News For You — and making Paul Merton and Kirsty Young giggle delightedly. (No mean feat, that.) Here’s a link to the relevant bit:



    • #11 by curriculum vitiate on December 5, 2011 - 1:32 pm

      Thanks for finding/relating that Dr. J. I think it’ll be some time before I get tired of watching it.

  9. #12 by Prithika on December 6, 2011 - 2:59 pm

    Do I have to live in Manchester to vote, or can I influence Manchester’s bestedness from the outside?

  10. #13 by Prithika on December 6, 2011 - 3:18 pm

    Forget it, I have no sense of time. I saw you had already won, then came back and realised how old this post was, then felt stupid for the last comment, then tried to delete it, then wondered why you stopped blogging.

    Did you get a job and move to London? Are you now shmoozing with the artsy and the fartsy while developing a low level substance dependence?

    I hope so. Live the dream man!

  11. #14 by Will on December 6, 2011 - 4:27 pm

    I only just discovered your blog (I live outside of the UK so am a little out of the loop – and no, there are no jobs out here either), but it appears to have already finished. Did you find a job in the end, or take the ‘die trying’ approach a little too literally?

  12. #15 by TheQwertyuiop on December 7, 2011 - 6:14 pm

    moar writing, your public demand it. Or have you got a job now.

  13. #16 by Oeb on December 8, 2011 - 12:33 am

    In a delightful turn of events, what presented itself to me as a quick distraction from my own job applications sneakily transformed itself into yet another pang of procrastination. Nevertheless, it appears I have reached the end of this blog, and beyond my disappointment at running out of material to read, part of me wonders if this might be due to you having actually landed a job. After all, I have to admit I found your CV somewhat refreshing and much more positive than the Metro Article falsely led me to believe, although some of my sympathetic feelings may be the result of solidarity re: the job hunt.

    But I digress, first of all, congratulations on the blog award; and finally, any luck on the job front?

    An admirer of wit.

  14. #18 by Caterpillar on December 8, 2011 - 3:37 am

    This is brilliant. I am able to identify myself with you although I am certain that we are entirely different persons. (Obviously)
    The sarcasm in your texts enlightens my night.
    I hate reading while being tired and exhausted but I enjoy this blog so much that I had to continue. I am making a pause, for now.

    You put so much work and afford in this that you are honestly inspiring me.

    >Insomnia is my dream, death is my destiny.

  15. #19 by Goose on December 8, 2011 - 2:10 pm

    Conrats on the joint prize (you deserved better) and excellent feature in HIGNFY. Most amusing and a genuine source of entertainment/inspiration (yes! actually!). You should send you CV to Ian Hislop now and see if it opens a Private Eye to your talents…

    I hope your relatvie silence may mean you have been gainfully employed in the interim, and not detained at Her Majesty’s Pleasure or something else quite bad.
    gl buddy

    • #20 by curriculum vitiate on December 8, 2011 - 2:30 pm

      Thanks Mpc, hopefully the new post clears up what-I’ve-been-doing.
      Also I’ve tried to get through to Ian ‘slop but I don’t think I’m having much success.
      You can’t just walk up to the man, so to speak.
      Because you’ve no idea where he is.

  16. #21 by Martin English on December 8, 2011 - 4:30 pm

    I’m glad you won half a prize in them thar Manchester Blog Awards. if the tubes had actually been as efficient and speedy at transmitting data across the globe as they are purported to be, then I would have discovered your site prior to the closing of voting. Then you would have won a WHOLE prize, and that Benjamin Judge would not have not got NOTHING (sorry about that, my inner idiot just popped out for a visit).
    So he (Ben, not my inner idiot) can thank whatever it is that clogs up the internet, and you can loudly (and shrilly, if you MUST, or even if you WISH) decry the chronic lack of funding of the vital infrastructure that is so utterly UTTERLY vital to the proper functioning of a modern society, a lack of funding that lead DIRECTLY to YOU missing out on 50 per cent of whatever passes for prizes in that sort of contest (not that I would know, nobody ever nominates me, I don’t get invited to them, not even the party afterwards, BASTARDS).
    Just remember to cast your lamentations widely, as you are (if this device in front of me can be believed) a denizen of that nursery of late 20th century popular music, Manchester, somewhere between Scotland and London, whilst I am currently abiding in a small sea side village in the state of disrepair, no wait thats the house, in the state of New South Wales, on the eastern coast of either the worlds biggest island OR the worlds smallest continent.

  1. Letter to Sonia Elks, of the Metro « Curriculum Vitae

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